Comments on redflashier psa (tw: incest) All Comments


I commissioned another artist and went through the bulletin to see which other commissions were accepted (I am curious hahaaha). And I saw that they accepted RF's icon request with said characters. I FELT something was off because of the names of the characters (biblical brothers). I did not read the texts in the images so I brushed it off rip. It would be SO easy to just NOT make them brothers, hellooo? >w>

this. like if this was just an unhealthy relationship that wasnt being romanticised/fetishised etc thats totally fine but if u are posting improperly warned-for incest and implied non-con gore porn etc...... you need to not be doing that. like. bare minimum is warning people appropriately... i hate feeling like i have to vet the artists i like but more and more often now it seems bad stuff keeps cropping up @_@ im just hoping that people are at least able to make a more informed decision abt whether or not to support them now