Comments on Clownfoolery_ All Comments

would you take pings on any characters? also possibly wondering if for one of my designs I could add a TOS to it that it can only be sold back to me? its ok if you'd prefer not since this wasn't arranged when I sold it but figured I'd ask!!

I’d be fine with both of those :)!

ok! I realize I kinda like them and regret selling PFFT but I'd love it maybe you could add an extra TOS that if you ever sell them it can only be back to me? (I'd buy back full worth) or if you'd be more comfortable with just pinging me if you put them up for offers instead! Ik it says they are a mascot so yee

Ofc! I will say though it will be a long time until they are up for offers (if ever) lol

No worries! I figured you were attached to them but thought might as well ask!! Tysm