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faved and already subbed! that's certainly an interesting entry list :0

they would taste like red wine or something fancy and sophisticated I think / subbed to everyone / my social security number is [REDACTED] I mean [REDACTED] / taking a wild random guess and saying your astronomy sign is sagittarius / literally took a shower (with real water) right before I saw this haha / bedtime story: once there was a silly little creacher that lived under the bed. it certainly looked like a creacher. everyday it ate the crumbs the of the snacks the inattentive owner dropped on the ground and the bed because it literally hated ants. singlehandedly, they managed to prevent every possible ant infestation in the house. sadly.... the owner decided to move and left the creacher behind as it had nowhere to hide under anymore,,, πŸ˜” the end. there's no good story / the manie musicale winner was akwaba I believe cause I literally did this hfdsjh 😭 / went outside and got fresh air for four hours today!! / drew them,,, / and for entry suggestions: drink water and get sleep