Comments on Angel All Comments

Heya, would u be interested in someone from either this account or _Trashmouth_Sales_ for this cutie,


If u happen to be interested, please read the little descriptions in both accounts' start folders in the character section, tho I'm also happy to answer any other questions, u may have ♥️

If u aren't interested, please reply to this comment regardless, just so I know that uve read it uwu ♥️

Thank u so much in advance, I look forward to hearing from u 

I hope, u have a wonderful day ♥️♥️

Hey pal! <3

I don’t see anything that interests me, sorry. I’m more looking for payment in aminocoins!

If not ac, i’d want cats, anthro canines or anthro felines! <3

Hey pal! <3

I don’t see anything that interests me, sorry. I’m more looking for payment in aminocoins!

If not ac, i’d want cats, anthro canines or anthro felines! <3

Aw ok, I think I do have some of them but if u aren't interested then that's fine too ♥️