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Hm okay I'll put down a few characters and you can pick whoever inspires you :3 (I'll authorise you after posting so you can see em!)

If you don't fancy any of them I have others I can pick!

Omg I adore Kira’s design so much, I’d love to do them!!

I usually have a pretty quick turn around time but I’m currently out of the country, but I’ll be back soon! I’d estimate I’ll be done in about a week, but I’ll update you if anything changes!!

Did you mean Nia? Either way that's perfectly fine!

Oh shoot so sorry, that was auto correct lmao- I meant koda!!:

Oh haha alright ^^ I will say as a design note for him since a few people have got it wrong he doesn't have a proper mouth. He has vents/holes and his pattern has a line going through so it mimics a mouth 

OOOO that’s so cool, I’ll make sure to keep that in mind when drawing him!!

hey dude!! thanks so much for your patience, I finally finished!! Imma send you the final, colored, and lineart version through my deviantart stash, but your more then welcome to upload it to your toyhouse of course!!




lemme know if I missed any details!!

2 Replies