Comments on MiaIsCoolerThenYou All Comments Omg yucky old refs 🤢 (will give general ideas below lol)

wait aren’t I doing two?

There’s two refs there, I’m still writing the info lmbo

Outfit inspos, please don’t take inspo from the people for design though- all designs are fanmade because a real design doesn’t exist, and unique to the creator of each art lol- my version of the species is like ujun, and very crab alien like hehe





Aaand as for Bahrellius


He’s one of these nature spirits, his crystals don’t have to be rubies like the old ref though lol- choose whatever. He wears a super ornate robe, and has an assortment of decorative crystals and flowers growing from him. And he’s a bit of a snob lol

Aleielle is a digitigrade krab fella like Ujun, however, their powers lean more towards healing, and their carapace is different. As for outfit and whatnot, anything works, although I’ll find some inspos in a sec. He wouldn’t have quills though- but would have a wildly different shell, and prolly more external gills- but his eyes would be black instead of red because yeah. My general idea was like… a gray shell with marbling? But idk, as long as there’s gray, and its crab-like lol