Comments on (15$) EENIES┊[might take 1!] All Comments

hiii ❤️❤️ i would love to get one !!!
chara: jasper

expression: i imagined he probably has a cheeky look bc hes a little drunk, so maybe add blush and a smile if thats ok ..? 😵‍💫 ik a lot of his art includes the usually nervous look, but a more confident one while hes in the state would be great

props: money in one of his hands + a beer bottle in the other would be good for me! idm the fee ^_^

I can definitely do Jasper! He looks really fun to draw omg !!   

You can send the 20$ to [email protected] whenever you are ready!! ^^ 

money has been sent ❤️❤️ if its easier, feel free to send me PMs thru disc as well, ill send a request right now!

i got your discord req! i'll send the sketch through there by next week at the latest! :D thank you so much!