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I know I can do Reef for sure, Mako and Komasan are a bit new, and Otis might become a sona. Cosmos can be added as well, and I can possibly consider someone else if those two wouldn't do it for ya

Omggg I think I’m gonna wait a lil bit before I decide since the bab was only posted a little bit ago, but I’m highly considering >:33

Alrighty! Just lmk, I can boost by adding art or possibly another chara, but that's up to you :D

Ngl I'm thinking about adding Komasan,, just a heads up

Omg…. If that’s the case, I’m gonna accept hehe

I just feel bad because I waited all that time to pay and lost connection some time in between 😭

But yeah, I can add them too. 

Oki! Do you think you’ll want more time to think about it? Or can we do the trade now? :3

3 Replies