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I would definitely be down to trade them and even more so together!!! That would be awesome for them to go to the same home together since originally the story I had planned for them involved their relation being brothers : ) 

Lmk what your offer is/what you have in mind <3 

Aw that's so sweet!!

I do have characters for trade in my Outlands folder, and could tentatively look a trading ones outside of that. I could also do art instead, if you'd consider that, and can send examples. :)

I didnt really see anyone I think  I would use much but absolutely I would consider an art offer  : ) 

Just let me know what ur thinking n such !! <3 

Sorry for the late reply ! 

Sweet, okay! These are some older examples, but what I had on me at the moment: (example 6 was a P2U base by Chesta). I can definitely whip you up a couple/few of headshots/busts, or a fullbody?

Yeah that totally works! 

Whatever youd like to do <33

Feel free to do anyone from here you would enjoy drawing, no specifics for any of them as far as pose/expression etc. Have fun with it !

Here's one of the doodles so far! <3

8 Replies