Comments on APRIL'D FOOL ??!! All Comments Start of Thread Parent

WAAHWAH I'M SO SORRY FOr the late response-- I've been a huge nervous ninny when it's come to responding to stuff lately, responding months late.... ghgh-- <:');;;;; I saw yer piece when it was first posted & I had the goofiest grin on my face!! I still have a goofy grin responding now... So silly!!!! It's Teto!!!! The Real Teto™.... She looks great in yer style, I love this so much. Thank you so much for takin' her on!!! ♡ ;; Teto would wholly be thankful for the image nevertheless even if it was after the 1st!!!!!

WogughWAWAH you are absoLUTELY CORRECT SHE IS THe best UTAUloid I am w you 100%!!!! shaking ur hand so vigorously!!!!!! I have no idea if you know of it already but I have a feeling that this channel will be right up yer alley hehe...... >:)c 

oH MY GOSH HELLO THAT IS SO ENTIRELY OK!!! I'm just glad you saw it! :'D I was worried for a while there that you'd missed my comment or if you didn't like the doodle or something, and wasn't sure if I should poke you about it or not bUT IT'S ALL GOOD!!!!!!!!! HUZZAH!!!!! YAY!!!!!! Better late than never, I say! :] I appreciate that you took a moment of your day to reply! I'm SO happy to hear you like it though, she was adorable to draw!! ;o; 

ALSO BLESS YOU AND THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR THE CHANNEL RECOMMENDATION I've never heard of them before, but this IS directly up my alley I've already listened to like 10 videos I'm in love.....!!! Clearly, there needs to be even MORE Teto Versions of Everything in the world and this person knows where it's AT!! :D This is just delightful oh my gosh thank you!!!!