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predicting the raffles are over , am i able to make a custom for cutting corners ?

of course!

do you have any examples?

(as a gauge for what i think would work well with your style:) )

here ' s some designs i made ! :3 i do understand if you decline tho

fuck also can i make a custom pull yourself together


i can reserve them both for you:)

for the first one, i was thinking based of this moodboard

preferably with some animal/feline themes, and lots of flower accessories/decorations

and maybe a more vertically-based design, with kidcore-y overall shorts

for the second one, this moodboard

i was thinking a glass of water/cup (maybe limes or something to go with the drink), and then with some flowers on one side, inside the cup (kind of like a half flower-filled flower vase)

and then, with some swan-like features

are you fine w/ me drawing them on paper ( they won ‘ t have any color though )

hi sorry, i think i would prefer something colored (and maybe digital?)

if you arent able to do that though, then i understand!