Comments on Yewvee (UV) All Comments

hey is Yewvee still open? i could design a character for you in exchange or if anyone from these folders works for you let me know (I'm attached to some so just lemme know any/all your interested in and if it's a no go i'll let you know)

Yes she's still open.
I really like or

but, I love your mermay designs so if you prefer to keep Yukai and/or Kairio, I'm very interested in either a morray eel or leopard seal mer-gal   

aaa yay and I'm cool with you taking Kairio or making a custom, maybe him n Yukia (she's my fave one haha) could be friends or something, I'll change his ownership to you, also I had some traits for him but you don't have to keep them: he's smart and quiet but when he talks he chooses his words carefully he's also a little smug on occasion and flirty at times too haha he likes to just relax and human watch from the shore or collect little trinkets he finds (he likes shiny things)

I'd love to accept him ^^ They can def be friends. I'll add those traits to him, I think they fit him well. I'll transfer Yewvee to you now.