Comments on capsule kemonos (open species) All Comments

I'm scrolling through these comments and oh my god you're so nice. You are super energetic and pleasant to read! I love it! So usually I don't like creatures with liquid trapped in glass-like parts in their bodies since it reminds me of Lavalamp ponies, waterdogs, and other stuff, but i think maybe i'll make one because you're just so charismatic ! it's tempting...!

AAHHHHH!!!!! this makes me so happy to read!! wow this really warms up my entire heart WAHHH 😭 my day was starting off sucky but you made it a lot better!!! thank you so much!!!! i'd love to see if u make one QwQ 

AW 🥰 no big deal! I just love your personality... Its so good omg and I can't resist. Hmmm.

Are they based off of drinks or is it any liquid? :0 

any liquid!

OH MY GOD EAIT I definitely didn't even read the images! I'm a dumbass! This species is so good! I just read them all and realised it doesn't even have to be a liquid in the first place! 😭😅♥️♥️♥️

3 Replies