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i wrote up this little thingy for him ^^ love their design! i will probably add them to my monsters and humans world

(still a work in progress, link to it as i publish it here on toyhouse :D

and i will probably write more? with them than i would draw them, although their design would be very fun to draw as i love mechanical things, so i'm not sure

i was debating for a couple days whether to join or not and decided, yes, so here goes!

name: Champers (nickname: Chomp or Champy)

he is a mischievious little Oil monster who uses metal parts and machinery to keep himself in a solid state, witouth the iron parts they would simply transform back into a grinning little blob

Oil rig employees found him while drilling as he escaped out of one of their oil wells into the rig up top. by the time he was found, he had already gatherd numerous mechanical parts and scraps which where promptly taken away before he was locked up in a barrel.

it wasn't long after till a team of researchers flew in from the mainland and examined the little critter. he was deemed non-threathening by them as he wasn't able to hurt anyone in his non mechanical coverd state, so they left him be.

while the crew went on about their day as usual, he observed them closely and started mimicking their behavior and movements and soon he started to help them do various tasks around the rig. the crew grew to like the little fella and he soon became a part of them. even getting his own bunk bed and cubby to store things in.

he ocasionally still likes to scare the crew by hiding around corners and in barrles and pops up whenever they walk by

edit: i didn't know how long is too long and would qualify to be spoilerd so just say if you want me to edit this ^^

i think they would get along great with my other oc Gunard as they both live in secluded off shore facilities, Loki the ship's cat would also be visiting regularly as he hitchhikes and lives on boats

he will meet the rest of the group while travelling to the harbor for supply runs :D

i also think he would be mute! and comunicates with sign language, as he mostly gurgled out words like a broken parrot when going along with the crew, so i would like to imagine them learning him sign language bc of that

sorry that i haven't written more like the other contestants, i write quite slow and i'm still learning to write more discriptive english words... so i will actually most likely draw them more than writing? probably also small doodle comic panels to go along with writing bits