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What a tragedy, Archaver thought to himself as he collected the small skeleton of what he quickly identified as a Runimite. The poor little thing. Careful not to damage any of the fragile bones, he slipped each one into its own pouch, then arranged the pouches inside of his small crystal case. The case glistened a brilliant teal colour, its magical Aura radiating power. Archaver had recieved the enchanted case as a gift from Bonesworth, when he first started working at his shop. The magic kept the bones inside from being damaged, while also preparing them for the Celebration of Life Festival. The bones would be precisely arranged upon a podium, alongside all of the other remains brought to the festival, and Archaver would cast the spell he had been perfecting over hundreds of years to connect the remains to their wandering spirits and allowing them to pass on. 

It was a truly magical experience, one that Archaver was proud to deliver. The festival meant a lot to him, and this year's would be extra special. Not only was it the first festival he was hosting since the Isle's Aura magic had been restored, it was also the first festival he wouldn't be hosting alone. 

As he approached Lyreside Village, he noticed Hedef sitting by the event clearing. He was staring at something in his palm, most likely Cav. Archaver couldn't help but wonder how they made their relationship work, what with one of them being a literal giant. But they seemed happy, and that made Archaver happy.

''Hey, big guy!'' He called up to Hedef, who slowly turned his head to look at him. 

Cav peeked over Hedef's thumb, waving. ''Hi, Archaver!'' He called. ''Did you find anything?'' 

Archaver held up the glowing case. ''A few Fauxx skeletons, but I'll need the wagon for those, I think. I found a Runimite on my way back.''

Cav gave him a thumbs up, then gestured for Hedef to set him down. Hedef lowered his arm, seeming reluctant, and Cav gave his thumb a quick pat before he hopped off. He had his cloak on today, the emblem on the clasp swirled every with every colour imaginable and more, the power of raw Aura stored within it. He rarely ever wore the cloak since completing his quest, and Archaver wondered if he intended on wearing it for the Festival. He handed over the case and Cav took it, opening a few pouches to examine what was inside.