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*Hugs WR* Why of course~ *Poof some carrot cake into existence and hands it to WR after letting go of her* And here you are, enjoy~

*Noms the cake, doesn't notice the tiny 'eat me' on the side* Oopsies.. Carry me? *holds out paws*

*Grins* Why, of course~ *Picks WR up* Why, you're just adorable like this aren't you~

*Smiles angelically at CC with a glob of frosting on nose* Chesi is my favourite! *kisses Chesi*

*Grins a CC grin and pats WR on the head* Now that's just wonderful~ *licks frosting of WR's nose* Mhm, not bad.

*flushes a bit and wrinkles her nose* Tanku Chesi! *nuzzles*

13 Replies