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What are your commission prices,,,,,


I'll DM when I'm ready to commission, if that's alright with you!

Of course!! Thank you so much for your interest 🥺

Heya again! I kept this reply in my inbox as a reminder to myself to get back to you.
I had recently looked at your profile to see if you had updated your prices on your commissions or something, but I then found out that you no longer are accepting. In replying though, I realized shockingly how long it's been since I had asked, and I apologize for that :""D

Best of luck on the adopts though! :D

HSAHHDSJSJ DON'T WORRY IT'S REALLY OKAY!! Currently they're closed because I've got one to finish and don't want to take up too much and never finish any of them GAHDHDFH if you're still interested I could always contact you whenever they're open again :-D I appreciate it regardless!!

1 Replies