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justwanted to say ur designs and art r really cool !! ^_^ was wondering when you ever open commission again would you consider doing custom comms? 

also woah splatoon fan !! i feel like i see so many splatoon fans now esp around splatoon 3's era holy guacamole,,,,,,,, i used to be obsessed with splatoon 2 then splatoon 3 hit like a brick

yeah id consider custom comms!! i probably wouldnt always have custom comms opened but theyll definitely be an option in the future for a bit

and yeah i love splatoon!! i was a bit into it as a kid but fell out of it and picked it back up again

awesome!! something I'll definitely keep money aside for when the time comes around ^_^ always wanted 2 comm u so I'll be looking forward to that!!

I loved 1 & 2 as a kid!! When 3 dropped I started to realize how much 2 meant to me.... i am one of those people dying to know where agent 4 went,,,,,,,justice for 4 waaah