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I saw that you wanted to sell them for $5 earlier, if they're still open for that I'd love to buy them! If not here's my wta <333

Name: Yona (he/him)

Yona was once an angel who served under the goddess of stars, Asteria. Born only to serve live for her. An advisor to the goddess and the people during the Light Age. She was very fond of him and gave him many gifts; stars, lakes, rainbows... The ability to bring back life and control water... He was grateful for everything.

When Asteria mysteriously fled from her duties and the god's world beginning the Dusk Age, so did her power. All the ones who served her ceased to exist, except for Yona, who instead lost his wings and fell to the mortal world. Being afraid of people, he ran to the forest to collect his thoughts, being visited by the demigod Kashi. She gave him new wings and her blessing, promising him a better future and a mind to think for himself. Yona never knew how to feel about Asteria's disappearance.

There, he started his new life, using what little power he had left to make a large tree livable. There he's lived for 100 years after the disappearance of Asteria. Though he no longer has much godly strength left, he's learned how to physically strong; and the tree he's lived in for so long seemed to be feeding on the little magic he has left, becoming an enormous and gorgeous Tree of Life. The tree, of course attracted attention, and no matter how much Yona didn't like it, visitors would come to pray to him and the tree, believing he was holy. (I mean, yeah lol)

On his 101st year, he heard of a prophecy that the goddess of stars' son, knight and lover would arrive in to their world and the starchild would take the spot as the god of stars. Filled with emotions that weren't familiar to him, a small fire of unbridled rage grew inside of him towards Asteria for leaving, coupled by pure joy that a part of her lives on.

At his power right now, he can only heal small wounds, compared to 100 years ago, he would be able to bring back life, fly like the wind and control water, which is what he misses most. Though he can no longer dance on water, he still loves it and still tries sometimes, only standing for a few seconds until his magic dries out.

Yona would be a big part of one of my main stories! I'd definitely plan to get him some art and writing, though I might change up his story in the future!

hi there!! i was just about to read through the wta's, but if you're set on 100% getting them then i'd definitely love to sell them to you for the $5! i made them wta bcs honestly thought that no one wanted them that much,,, since they've been ufs for 7months OTL but i'd be glad to rehome them with you! 😭💕

yesss I'd def love to! I can dm you my paypal or vice versa <33

ofc!! ;u; <3 feel free to just send through my ! if that doesnt work just let me know and i'll dm you my paypal ! 

just sent! tysm <33