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Hey i’m compressing my offer to one comment! if you can find someone to do the points to money transfer i can offer 1200 points for this guy and her? 

and if you feel like that’s a low ball of both of them ( i just didn’t wanna under offer) can i add one of theis dudes onto the package?

ahh so~ Tinea's worth is around 1500 points (or 15$) just for her- and I'd probably take 500pts or 5$ for this tbn guy-

andd i'm a little confused if you mean if that : if i think your offer is a lowball, i'd be willing to ADD another character for that price? cause i dont think thats how it works ?? so im a lil confused what you mean ;v;

(and i dont think I'd be willing to take just the points for tbn alone sorry ;v;

ahh sorry ignore the other comment kjeksd. so you said you could do 500 for the tbn (the one I'm commenting on now) of are you saying not jus points? sorry for the confusion -

I'd take 500 points for the tbn but i'm not accepting points if they amount is under 1000 (since most people dont want to buy just 500 points from someone if that makes sense)

yea i understand, thank you tho! i hope you can find a good home for the babys