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oml that's so cool I wish I could do that :OO there's no other witches in my neighborhood that I know of RIP :") and I'm sorry, people can be such jerks sometimes, I hope you're doing good :/ <33


gdhdkjbdhshuvs your a witch? :"00000 ee so cool ✨I kinda wanna be one but idk if id be able to commit to it ;;

yeah I'm a witch for fun :)) I don't really believe in any of the stuff (ex. deities or like potions an stuff) but its still just fun to make stuff an whatever :) and lol you don't need to really hardcore commit to it, its just a fun thing to do in my opinion,, 


Ooh ok! 


Teach me ur ways xD

hehe i made this for witches or people who want to be witches and am recruiting people :)) you can join if you want lol


:000 tysm !

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