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Well i hope you don't mind, 

(I think you are supposed to ask the seller before doing a '3-ways'; as they might not accept so)

3-ways in as trading terms in toyhou,se // well its in name; it involveds 3 people:

  1. 🪻 (Seller): Selling a character for €60.
  2. 🩶 (Buyer): Wants the character but doesn’t have €60.
  3. 🎗️ (Voucher): A third person who can provide the €60.

Here’s how it works:

  1. 🩶 (Buyer) finds 🎗️ (Voucher) who is willing to help.
  2. 🩶 (Buyer) offers art or another character to 🎗️ (Voucher) in exchange for the €60.
  3. 🎗️ (Voucher) gives €60 to 🪻 (Seller).
  4. 🪻 (Seller) gives the character to 🩶 (Buyer)
its a win-win-win
  • 🪻 (Seller) Gets €60 from 🎗️ (Voucher)
  • 🩶 (Buyer) gets the character from 🪻 (Seller)
  • and 🎗️ (Voucher) gets art/character from 🩶 (Buyer)

idk, to put into analogy:

You were buying groceries but you relised that you are $3 short and don't have enough for the milk
But a miracle; some kind-hearted soul pays for your groceries

I'm a bit new to toyhou,se and i don't see much of 3-ways, so i don't think it's that common

I can be open to something like this! You can let me know if you find (voucher).