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hello! if you're taking offers on this bean, does anyone from my th interest you? i can also offer art, i'll leave my ig below <3 

hi im so sorry about the late reply! i didnt see anyone, but im very interested in your art, so what would you be comfortable doing/how much (like headshot/etc & 1/etc pieces)? <=

hey! thats alright, dw about it <33

i'm glad to hear it! hmm.. i'm alright with doing a fullbody+sketch page! is that alright? 

sorry for the late reply again!! but yeah thats hecka good! would you be able to do the full for this guy & the sketch page of this baby(but wearing comfier clothes, like a basic hoodie&shorts? (if you’re ok with that ofc! and the diamonds on their wings r optional). if you need any info on them or need me to switch anyone out for another, just let me know! <<3 

Ok! That's fine with me <3

I'll get started as soon as possible :)

waa okay! excited to see them 😊 take as much time as you need!! <<3

3 Replies