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Heya! I'm gonna try my hand at a quick WTA for this cutie c: This takes place in my original universe where a small percentage of the population is born with animal traits. People can have wings, horns, tails, and much more. I thought it would fit pretty well for this character c:


When you're born traited, your life is automatically guaranteed to be different than most others. Doctors might refuse to treat you, leaving your parents to fumble to find somewhere to help with their newborn. Kids will treat you either with reverence or disgust; rarely is there ever an in-between. Adults look at you either with the same disgust, mistrust, or stare far too long. They don't understand. They think you're the product of some sort of heinous relationship with an animal, a child who was lucky to even be alive. Or they think you're more animal than human, call you feral, call you rabid. This is the life traited lead. It's unfair, cruel, and hard to find happiness in. 

This is why, when Trinity was born, her parents knew exactly what to do. Born from two traited parents, Trinity was surrounded by only people who would love her. In theory, good practice. But when your parents are the only people guaranteed to love you, well. . . you're caged. Trinity's parents were strict. Hide your wings when (if, went unsaid) we go out, never play outside when other people are out, and most importantly-- never, ever fly. Trinity was a caged bird and her parents willfully locking her away. She was miserable. She didn't go to school and was homeschooled by her father. She didn't make a single friend for fifteen years of her life. 

Until her parents found out about the Academy. It was a school for people like her, traited kids in need of high-school education (and serious socialization, though that also went unsaid) and specialized classes based on their traits. For Trinity, it meant not only friendship, but also a chance to finally fly! She begged her parents to let her go, pushing and prodding until they finally gave in. Off she went for the first time in her life, no longer caged! There she met someone like her, Jay, and bonded over their similar childhoods. 


Thank you for the chance!