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Oh gosh, she's gorgeous!! What a stunning design ; O ;

I feel like she would be a perfect fit for my story/world Oakenmoore! She could primarily be a resident of the kingdom of Istreus! She would make a really great friend (or girlfriend, even) for Lulu. Lulu tends to be a little more reserved, but she's a playful soul once she warms up to someone and I feel as though this bab is someone she would easily find herself growing fond of and taking afternoon tea with. I would absolutely want to cave and draw them together too, in a sweet, soft kinda setting. I'm thinking she could also be Ririelle's older sister! Riri is really, really shy, though she has the potential to be incredibly powerful if she can work past that or work with it. This bab would make an ideal older sister for her, because she seems to exude plenty confidence and positivity and I think that's the kind of person Riri could look up to and trust when she needs someone to confide in and be her light.

Oh gosh, I'm rambling haha, my head's definitely flowing with ideas for this lovely gal.
Thank you so much for the opportunity, and I hope you're having a wonderful day!!