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Is it "loaded"? :O I'm sorry?

:0c  [Chiffon remains absolutely quiet while Juliet talks, seems she's taking in all the information that Juliet said, trying to process it all. She didn't want to interrupt either] 

:0 :O Oh that was a really satisfactory answer! :D Thank you Juliet!! :O uh.. <:Dc i'm just trying to figure some things. :O so i thought I'd ask you since you seemed to have the most experience with this sort of stuff!

It's alright, I know you wouldn't ask such a question with ill intent. [she cocks her head] Oh? [GASP] Do you have a crush on someone, Chiffon? Σ░(꒪◊꒪ ))))

<:O i really wouldn't! 

:O <:Dc I don't really know?.. :O Vivi told me about crushes and what they're like! And she said that it didn't seem like I had one!
<:Ic but I'm still trying to figure it out.. <:D I wanna be honest about how I feel but it's hard if I don't know how I feel :O 

Relationship advice from Vivi, hm? I suppose I can't say much ... I'll be frank Chiffon, as popular as I may be, I'm not much of a "relationship" expert. ( >u>;;) Feelings and relationships are not clean or easy to understand, least of all for myself. Have you considered confronting the person about your feelings? That's what I did with Kira and it worked out as shameful as it can feel. ( ´•̥ו̥` ) 

Being as well liked as you are, I can't see what could go wrong but it's up to yourself.

Oh no it's not really relationship advice! it was more uh.. <:Ic feeling advice? :O  I figure you're not a relationship expert but you also have a lot of relationships where you seem pretty confident with how you view them. Like how you and Kira are moons! or how you and Hayden aren't dating :0

:O Confronting?.. <:O I definitely want to be honest with my feelings and say how i feel! [she hops a bit in place,] <:0 but.. I don't know if that's how I feel... :O and I don't want to say something that I don't fully mean or understand!.. <:Dc You know?.. [she pokes her fingers together] feelings are hard to understand... I don't know if what I feel is just platonic or if it is a crush... 

[she almost chokes at the "how you and Hayden aren't dating" comment] R-right.

I'm neither a feelings expert either really. [AHEM] But I see what you mean ... now that I think about it, I suppose it's hard to tell the difference. Especially for the likes of you who has no problems showing physical affection to friends. Romantic feelings ... make you blush when you think of them and fill your stomach with butterflies when they get close to you. [she blushes, tHIS IS EMBARASSING TO TALK ABOUT AAAAAA] A-A-AT LEAST I THINK SO, I-IT COULD BE DIFFERENT FOR OVER PEOPLE, NOT THAT ANYONE WOULD MAKE ME FEEL THAT WAY THAT WOULD BE SILly -- [gentle wheeze] 

I don't think I can provide you much more insight. ;; Maybe you should ask KJ and Cosmia, they're relationship seems quite established. 

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