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hi hi, been a while, i would like to purchase along with shin and tysue (frog girl) if possible 

HIHI ❤❤ Shin doesn't have a set price since it'd be rather high, but tysue is $35 if thats okay

If so, the paypal is [email protected] (abt to go to work so I'll send em later, just be sure to add a note "for Phaze" :>

id rather have shin then tysue what would u take for him?

Aaa, atm he isn't gonna have a set price because he's in my NO tag, meaning they are almost 100% off limits (he's actively in a story 😭)

(Aka mostly he's just tent trades with money as add ons)

oki sorry it was when i looked up for sale he came up, if you sell him lmk! im only going to get joker for now. im at work so ill send it after x

Cool cool, lmk when you do 🤲❤

4 Replies