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yeah I passed to get a permit, haven't gone back to try and get a license yet though, too spooked :P the written is totally fine but I'm such a nervous/easily distracted soul that I can hardly focus on the road oops -- and yeah omg I found some concealer from the end of last summer and tried using it and it did not go well I'm too pale now x'D OH but I had a really nice time yesterday because I visited the animal shelter and accomplished the goal of PET EVERY DOG yesss hahah

ahhh well thats good!! and oh haha I understand. I bet if you already got a permit you will be fine whenever you get it ;) and ohh yeah I understand :'o Im afraid I will be the same way XD and oh nooo hh we need to get back out in the summer sun rip. And OMG really?? :D efkvofrvkhfaj I'm jealous ;o; which one was your favorite?

aa my fav dog was a sweet girl named Gabby! she was the calmest dog I've ever met omg I couldn't leave her cage for a long time bc she was laying in my lap hahah -- <-- being me I have a screenshot of her adoption page ahahah oops x'D and yeah, driver's ed just sucks where I live because there are sooo many things you have to do before they allow you to even try to get a license (like logging your driving hours hh), and during the driving test you have to drive a police officer around?? aa horrifying -- but yeah omg we need some sun :P what have you been doing this summer?

oh my goodness she's so pretty!!! :O her eyessss. and oh ack yeah where I am it takes a while for you to actually get a full license x-x I wish it was just a tad easier oh well. thanks NC. and haha yeah :P I've mostly been hanging out at the house this summer tbh. Well.. was. now all this stuff has been thrown on top of me haha XD but we are traveling to see family/friends next week so im excited. You? ^^

woop disappeared for a while :'D hanging around is nice, that's what I've been doing mostly too ^^ I'll be going to RTX soon (sorta like comicon but for gaming) and hopefully DCI finals (a big marching band competition oo) and possibly a small vacation with my dad before the summer is over? idk I've been trying to schedule some stuff so I don't feel so lazy but after school for so long all I wanna do is sleep x'D

ahh it's fine!! *sigh of relief* so I passed drivers ed... yay ;U; and oh thats awesome :O Ive always wanted to go hahah x'D wow sounds like you got summer planned out haha x'D but yeah I get you.. thats what Ive been doing :3 lots of sleeping

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