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ah yes pls ^^ i was wondering on how to set up the main page ^^

like all pretty as most people :D

Okay for starters all that can be toyed with on the settings page. Then go to the "Profile" part. As a free member, CSS won't work but most HTML and such codes will work in the actual box for the profile itself. There are actually a few nice folks here who share FREE templates to spice up your page even as a free account! These might help give you some idea on what codes can be done if you don't like enough to use. Can always play around to make something you like. If you want images to load in the box itself the <img src> code does work here. =D

For the free templates I'd suggest going here - , and this might help too on general FAQs

If ya need more feel free to send me a PM. =3

tysm ^^im so sorry, but what do u mean by CSS and HTML i also looked at the links u gave me, but i dont really understand coding ; ;

As I said, if you wish to ask me more please move this convo to PM or DA notes so I don't spam your page with all this stuff. xD