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Is this character still up for trade? If so, what are you looking for in terms of characters?

Hello! Yes, they are! For characters I'm looking for, I'm fine with any species, and am partial to cute characters and female characters in general. Not really interested in other fan characters atm unless it's Zelda specifically.

If there's specific characters or a folder of yours that you want me to take a look at that would be great!

I have a trade/ sell folder. The characters in it aren't from Zelda, but as stated in most of the tags, the person who gets them can do as they please with the character, this includes redesigning them and putting them in another fandom. <3

Alrighty! I took a look through and I really like this character if she's still available and it's ok with you!

Yup, she's still available! ^^

Awesome! I'll go ahead and transfer this character over in just a moment then! If it's okay, if you could transfer the character on your end to my main at Sadincae that would be great!

Thank you so much! ;w;/

1 Replies