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With the slightest chuff, Rochester rubbed the back of her neck. Having a gatekeeper end up so close to her house was, admittedly, the tiniest bit surreal. Part of her wanted to just go for the nihilistic option and argue that this was because the old woman was close to death, which... Wouldn't have been too unreasonable considering that she was in her mid-to-late sixties at this point, and... That was an awfully long time to be living, huh?

Yet another part of her also insisted that, maybe... She was just passing by. Rochester wasn't going to question that either. Visitors were visitors.

Who was she to complain?

Nevertheless, the elderly woman leaned back in her seat and continued to chuff to herself, eventually asking with a wave of her hand, "Oh, by the skies... I hope that this does not come off as too rude, but... Why are you here again? And... What is your name?" Not like she'd remember said name, since she didn't have her notepad with her, but that's okay. "Also, a more important question is whether you eat a lot of fruit or not. Just... Keeping track of that in case I see you again, or something like that." Sure, but - like - genuinely. At least Rochester was going to remember others' fruit preferences relatively easily.

"I am Im-Tit-Haal, the Gatekeeper. My reasons for being here do not matter but...I like berries and persimmons. Do you have some for me?"

Nodding at the creature's response, Rochester did seem... Oddly surprised that the creature was so receptive to the fruit question. She expected hostility from anyone sapient enough to understand the question and what it was asking - which did make sense to the elder given that it did tend to be a bit unexpected, a bit "left-field" as the kids would call it.

She still chuckled and nodded, humming in reply, "I do, actually. Just... Give me a moment-" Rochester peered over at the platter of fruit that she pretty much kept around at all times, before taking out a strawberry and offering it to the other.

"How about this? It's admittedly a bit basic as hell, but it is a berry from a botanical and culinary standpoint. It might be a bit tangy for your taste, though. If that is the case, I have plenty of other berries; you have no idea how diverse berries can be at times, mm?"

Apparently, Rochester was so enraptured by the gatekeeper's interest in fruit that the failure to disclose why she was here in the first place didn't bother her a single bit.

The Gatekeeper sniffed the offering appraisingly and then ate the strawberry in a single bite. "It's delicious! Do you grow these yourself or simply carry them around on you?" To receive a simple offering such as this one was rare. Although many people had tried to bribe her, they usually promised gold and wealth in exchange for her favor. This woman, however, seemed to only want to share a small thing she enjoyed.

It was refreshing.

Rochester grinned rather sheepishly as the creature snapped up the berry with not only enthusiasm but also ease. Huh! For one connected to an "other world," this creature seemed inclined to prefer the simple things in life over the more elaborate ones...

It was refreshing in a way, and the older woman eventually thinned her smile into one that was smoother and more at ease.

"Oh, I wish I grew fruit," mused the elder aloud with a slight chuckle, as she held a hand up to her mouth in a facetious attempt to hide her amusement (and surprise, in all honesty), "though I do think the soil and dry climate are not exactly the best for the types of fruit that I tend to eat. But... You would be right in the sense that I carry them, around!" She started to laugh before pulling out another strawberry from her pocket to prove her point, then a whole orange.

"I normally feed them to my slug," Rochester explained further, "He likes fruit too, you know. But I eat a lot of this fruit myself when I go on walks, or do household chores. It is like a burst of energy but... Healthy, I guess." She tossed the strawberry and orange in her hand before humming for a minute or so. Afterwards, the elder placed the orange in her pocket and held out another strawberry. "Do you want another one? You seemed pretty happy about the first offering anyways."