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"Oh, I have never seen a walking and talking fish," mused the scientist aloud with a cheesy grin, "but a singing fish is something entirely new!" He laughed and clapped his hands together, as if expecting the piscine creature to start breaking into song at any moment, which... Probably wasn't the best idea given his supposed reputation as a terrible singer?

Still, that didn't stop M. Pourife as he started to sing along to an impromptu tune, "Oh, in the river, there is always room for one more fish, one more fish..." Though alas, the scientist was quick to forget the melody, so he stopped singing as suddenly as he started. Good for him? Though that admittedly left the scene just the tiniest bit awkward for his own liking. (Oh no.)

Someone better mend this eventually, or-

"That asides," M. Pourife remarked in his usual booming voice, "How is it in the riverbed? You seem like a relaxed fellow, but... I did hear about the earthquakes bit... Does that affect you or anyone arond you too adversely? Oh, I hate to be a nuisance, but..." He trailed off to lean in ever so slightly, if only so he could whisper, "I have to admit that the earthquakes might be a potential safety risk to potential investors- I mean... Witnesses to your singing now... Mm?"

"Oh, you've heard about my musical prowess? Well, everything you've heard is true!" Jiro took this as an opportunity to demonstrate and attempted to imitate the scientist's fish ditty. "There's always room for me in the river, the river, room for me-" The tune held little resemblance, but Jiro seemed to be satisfied with his own performance.

"What? You're worried about earthquakes? Shame sir, I would never be so rude in a foreign land! You have nothing to worry about!"

"Oh, of course!" the middle-aged man was quick to proclaim while pointing a hand at his chest, "I always have to be up to date with such, well, talents! I always find music and dance to be ideal ways of breaking up the monotony of scientific work at times, if I have to be honest with you..." He paused before leaning in slightly with a grin on his face that suggested a very, very mild case of cheeky sheepishness.

"... I would not normally admit that to others, but I do think I can take solace in you being - well - a musician... Yes?"

He then leaned back to listen to the fish's tune, clapping his hands and cheering, "Oh, bravo, bravo! A wonderful performance indeed! I can see something like that gracing the theaters in the future!" Are... Are you sure about that! Or maybe M. Pourife was just expressing pity in the most saccharine-filled way possible? Who knows!

"Oh, thank the skies, then," he sighed with a chuckle once the topic had shifted over to earthquakes. Technically, the scientist hasn't experienced a seismic tremor in, what... Twenty or so years? He didn't want to think of it anyway, so he shook his head and replied, "It is good to know that you have manners, I suppose. Most folk with those types of powers tend to be rather rude and brash about showing them off." He paused, then clapped his hands together again. "Manners and singing prowess! It must be a respectable combination now, mm? I like that very much; I must admit..."

This person had such impeccable manners! A large smile stretched across the creature's face. "How kind of you to say so! I am no musician but I consider myself an enthusiast. Perhaps similar to you?" The man certainly had demonstrated enthusiasm for it. "Tell me, have you found any good musicians lately? I would love a recommendation."

"But you mentioned science! I must admit, I have little understanding of the workings of this world. What is it that interests you?"

“Oh, I can sing decently enough,” M. Pourife confided while attempting to conceal his surprise over his piscine acquaintance being a musician but not a singer. He was so used to an all-or-nothing approach - a matter of absolutes - that such subtlety frankly confounded him for a second, but he eventually explained further, “I just choose not to out of common decency, or at least… Politeness? Is that the proper term to describe it?”

He paused before chuffing, “Either way, there is a bit of a taboo surrounding singing at work. It comes off as slightly condescending or unprofessional if you give in to the tunes, you know? Which I consider a real shame, for obvious reasons, but a lot of my scientist associates are rather uptight about that particular mannerism, so…” With a slight chuckle, M. Pourife rubbed the back of his neck while giving the other a sheepish grin. “It might be for the best now, mm?”

Alas, whatever discretion he had beforehand was quick to be flung out of the window when the topic of science was brought up, as he promptly clapped his hands and chirped, “Oh, a lot, really! Science is the tool any fellow needs to gain a better understanding of the world, but at least for me…” M. Pourife trailed off to point a finger at himself while rambling. “Biology is where it is at! It may not be as glamorous as chemistry or physics, but it is still important in the sense that biology drives how we function, both inside and within the context of the world around us. Besides, I do have to admit that the somewhat, uh, grittier nature of the subject is what makes it more… Honest, if that makes sense? Mm?”