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oh I love her design,, Her NOSE..
If she's still up for adoption I'd love to take her from you <:o) ever since I've made Auterhol a smaller, close-knit island I've been meaning to add more shop owning characters and I think she'd be great for one of those spiritual type of shops! The ones you go to for incense and to buy lucky coins or gems. And the city they live in being such a close community would probably lead to her becoming good friends with the other shop owners in the neighbourhood like Kane, Maaike and André. I'm still working on some other town's folk but I think she'd fit right in ^o^

Yup! She's still up for adoption and I'll send her over now! I'm glad to hear your plans and I hope you enjoy her!

oh that was fast! thank you! I'll draw her soon :oD