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tbh one of Lenore's weaknesses is nuns and I just imagine Seliel, Kasrick & Lenore strolling along and they come across a covenant of bustling adorable lil nuns and Lenore & Kasrick look like they just came across the world's most precious pet shop with puppies in the window and seliel is like "Oh my god pull it together you two"

and kassy and len are just like LOOK AT HOW PURE AND PRECIOUS THEY ARE ;_;

omg that image is beautiful. Kas' eyes all shining like "Such faith! And so cute!" and discussing excitedly with lenore which blessings and rites of protection they should put on the place. "And did you see the aura on the blonde little one? So faitfhul!" Kasrick's face like =///////w////////= I love humansssssss Meanwhile Seliel is like I get it, can we get back to work already? -________- Everytime we pass a convent, I swear