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It Alright do you have instagram if so I can pm you there for the character 

I actually don't have Instagram. I have Discord if you would like to message me on there.tumblr_inline_mo8u34MJDz1qz4rgp.gif

stella𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐞. ♕#0001

Can you draw this girl

I can! Though do you have a clearer picture of her without the watermark? tumblr_inline_mo8u35k8H21qz4rgp.gif

If you want I have pm you there character tho 😔

If you want I have pm you there character tho 😔

That would be fine. You can send her to me on Discord too if you want. tumblr_inline_mo8u34MJDz1qz4rgp.gif

stella𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐞. ♕#0001

3 Replies