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nice! Yes please :>!

Sent! Are you registered on-site? ohh also if you ever lose connection with teddy could you please lmk? 

ah sorry for the late answer! my user on the site is unrestrainedbronco

thank you :D!!

I believe the site is currently down but I’ll get it transferred once it’s up and running! Could you transfer the ml of the dog on da? My da is Pogostickz ^^

done :D!

Thank you! 

Hi the site is working now! could you transfer the ml :3?

aaa I forgot to tell you I never got it in the site ><
I don’t know why, it probably didn’t even get a Ml entry? But the previous owner never transferred me I’m so sorry

could you please get into contact with the previous owner? I need them to confirm the bay is mine now :D

Ahh they never had a ml :(

3 Replies