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M A N i love your characters so much,,,, they all have such gorgeous designs and well thought-out personalities!! *__* <3 <3 aND YOUR WORLDBUILDINGMMMMMMMMYES *______* <3 i love your work so much!!!

also i- your new username,,, makes me laugh so hard any time you submit anything here like Oh yes, THE ENTIRE CONCEPT OF PHYSICS has submitted a new image,,, AMAZING

this is a LATE REPLY woooo ive been disorganized!! omg!! THANK YOU THOUGH AHHH this means so so much to me! ;_; my characters are a major part of who i am and this newer cast is the most fulfilled and excited ive felt working w a story and w characters themselves in a long time so im really glad to hear others can appreciate it too!! <333

(i am physics......... im so tempted to see if i can squish a minor in physics into the last 2 years of my degree god)

(( sAME honestly )) AHHH NO PROBLEM !!! i feel you,, thats so good to hear !! :'D
( DUDE YE S?????? do it.... you're a writer, you gOTTA...... 2 years??? PSSHT THATS PLENTY OF TIME )