Comments on HomicidalBunny All Comments Start of Thread Parent

Well shes a shy little thing.  Someone persistant but gentle, and smart enough to keep up with her

Dont have to be a licker, most of my ships are cross species~

M'kay, here's two that I think might work with her:

Or, bc she has tentacles, I thought if you liked the idea I could make an oc from my cs (ex: ) that was custom made to be paired with her. ^^ I like having ocs match well personality wise and to look well next to each other in art, so i thought I'd suggest that.

Yvonne is a possibility :3
could you say a bit more about her thans on her page?

but if you'd rather make her a tentacle babe that would be neat~

Here I added a bit:

Its up to you, but I really like the idea. ^^

Make a tentagoo i think

Though i like yvone and i might throw a couple a my singles at her tomorrow :)

M'kay, will do. ^^ I'll show you her when I make her.

Cool. ^^

19 Replies