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You have so many fancy ocs <3

Thank youuu ~ 🥺

(I have a hoarding problem lmao)

You have a lot of cuties as well! ♡

Ahh thank you Most of them are hidden tbh , need to do the coding >

What a mood I'm too lazy to do the coding and come up with stuff of all of these ocs most of the time hjvbhjvhj But tbh I kinda wanna get everything sorted now for some reason xD

asdfghhh I know that feeling, there are plenty f2u codings with small info screens, I kinda enjoy this one, but it´s p2u

I don't mind paying if I fall in love with a design But I wasn't able to find a template that really had everything in it that I needed so I bought one that came close and edited it since xD This is what it looks like rn: These big templates look really nice on desktop but I think they might get annoying to scroll through on mobile if there's too much in it and you just wanna look through the images :o

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