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HOLY FRICKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK HOT DAMN HOLY HELL WAT WAIT WAIT AHT SDJFBJDSNDFHJDK I WANT TO COMMENT ON EVERYTHING SKFNSDJ AHHH WHOA TIS THIS IS ABSOLUTELY FUCKING AMAZING THERES SO MUCH GOING ON I LOVE EACH INTERACTION YOU CHOSE AND ALL THE ACTIVITIES EVERYONES DOING like o m g you paid attention to like every pairing and grouping and its perfect BWAHAHAA IS PHILLIP IN THE FOUNTAIN IM CACKLINNNNNNG --- benjabitch oh no and holyyy snap the rodov family <3 EEEEEEEE THE G A E YES BREATHES YES even down to everyone crouching and laying int he ground or on the floor or in the corner and scraps up top my booooooooy and the background HOT DAMN and the shading is level on everything it looks like such a nice and pretty snowy night and i dont even fucking get snow where im from ahahaahaaa but i can imagine how cool it is with the soft glow of the lights uwu ASLO THAT DEER STATUE IN THE MIDDLE WHOOOOOOOA tis this is amazing i cant express how long i took to scroll around this picture and look at each of the characters and giggle about whos where and doing what and o m g it must have taken so long to pull up all the refs and make this thank you SOO much ITS AMAZINNG AGAIN SKFDKKGSKKSKSKSK KK god im still reeling about this eeee

Night wtf why are you being so sweet aah ;o; sorry I can’t match your energy right now even if I really really want to But I’m glad you like it and aaa (ngl it was easier to do in groups less legs to draw hehehe) aoierhg thank you so much it means a lot and aaah I’m glad you got entertainment from it ;w; <333 And aoierhg don’t worry I had a chaotic neutral method of drawing the characters and bringing up their refs my computer would have died otherwise. I already had to downsize the canvas so the chars had to be drawn pixellised I wouldn’t kill it with all the refs open aoiehrg don't worry I'm not that much of a fool and same we don't get snow either no idea how the fuck it works it just... is