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Name: Misaki

Age: In their teens

Personality: Shy, Gets easily embarrased, kinda clumsy, kind hearted, gentle, observant

Interests: reading books, writing poems and in her diary, collecting stamps and buttons

Misaki was born an orphan and was raised in an orphanage, she tends to be found alone reading a book or collecting stamps &buttons that she finds around seeing how fascinating they are for her. She also likes to go look for hidden spots so she always brings her handy dandy backpack that somehow can fit everything she needs from umbrellas to outfits and more. She dreams of becoming a magical girl who'll be able to protect the city from bad characters. She vowed that she will train everyday by running and doing martial arts when she has the time. She loves reading manga and watching anime. Misaki also hopes to one day be able to find her real parents or find out why she was abandoned.