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Name: isotopa 

Age: 12

Likes: to be alone, where the prying eyes of unkind hidden thoughts don't bother her

Dislikes: blaming eyes

Personality: she is the kind of girl that's watches the world. Isotopa doesn't jump in like other kids, it might have been what saved her that day...

Story: Isotopa never was like the other kids. Maybe because she was raised differently or because she was shy. But i think its because of something deeper, something that can't be seen. Her life and existence is a mystery, she appeared one day looking as a angle was Isotopa the reeper instead? She is seen as a demon for surviving but how could she not. Its not Isotopa's fault for living, she wonders would they perfered her to die too. Could she have rely done anything to stop it, why is she looked down on like this? Am I jinxed? Is there a reason I lived?