Comments on Captain Jas Faulkes All Comments

YES!!!!! THIS GUY IS PERFECT!!! Thank you for showing off your swashbuckler, omg. I’m currently reading moby dick  again so hearing this guy’s a whaler is one of the coolest things. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ much love!!

Of course! I am always thrilled by the amount of love that pours in for this absolute idiot-of-a-man.

Moby Dick is a fantastic book. Did you know the New Bedford Whaling Museum has a 24-hour Moby Dick Marathon? It's actually this Friday! If you're interested in other whaling books, I highly recommend Jamrach's Menagerie and The North Water for fiction, and In the Wake of Madness, Leviathan, and In the Heart of the Sea for non-fiction. .........I, uh... I am very interested in whaling.

OH MY GOSH, thank you so much for providing me with even more nautical lit I need to read.. I get so excited when others have seafaring characters, and seeing the amount of research and effort you put into this guy alone is truly inspiring! I’ll have to check out that 24-hour marathon when I get the chance 😭 😭 😭