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honestly i agree, i used to love the community but recently it's just totally fallen apart. i miss the old scratch where the biggest argument was AE studios (i barely use the function they added to remove your projects from studios that came from that) and you could link join.mes and flockmods directly without risk of report (i've gotten a alert for posting links.) The alerts are totally messed up sometimes, from alerts for asking not to remix to, well, I got an alert for saying I think the way paypal worked was I would give someone the email. (Which my mom told me to give out.)

i was also reported for saying ''crap" and "sucks" while i've seen at least three or four MAPs with the word "damn" in the lyrics transcription, projects with lewd songs - have you looked up the lyrics to I Ship It? - and people saying "hella cool".

so messed up but not allowed to move to dA yet because parents say no~ when i do though, i'm probably not going to give anyone the link. i want to stay away from the drama. a lot of the arguments i've seen are from people who are surrounded by scratchers and i'm very sick of it

scratch used to be my favorite place on the internet, and i still go on it because i have friends who can't leave it and i'm nostalgic that i met my best ever internet friends there

but the only thing i can feel safe using it for is for things i don't care are recolored, like a CC or something useless. i've become so paranoid of report i literally didn't put the words 'tee hee' on my profile as a reference to something because....i actually have no idea, but i'm not risking it.

the ST tries but they end up target people who get themselves well known, (and im not trying to sound conceited) thats why i think you and me get so many alerts for little things because out of even 500 views one of them is bound to be an admin or someone who feels like reporting a project. Its frustrating when the ST removes my projects because they didntt like something about yet everyone who recolored gets to keep theirs up.

Hey, i cant wait for you on DA, and ill be waiting until i can find your art style, that way i can just silently start following you and wont reveal your secret identity X)

Yeah, that makes sense. Once someone gets popular they have a wider influence and the admins get touchy over the smallest things a kid could see. (Be very careful about posting links especially, I was kind of concerned about your project when you were hosting.) I'm still a bit concerned someone will find a comment I posted a year or so ago in a studio with four thousand comments in which someone dies a very gory death. X"D

I thought it was weird about how you cant copy and paste the linnk ;_; but the automatic system didnt notice when the text was converted into an image and used in a project thank goodness, ill probably just stick to posting them on DA.

Thanks for the heads up!