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Hello! I’m commenting for a friend, they really like this character wanted to offer to buy this character for you to trade since they noticed you had favorited them ^^

Oh!! I'll think about it, can I get back to you by the end of the day!

Ofc! Sorry I just saw this haha ^^”

Ah sorry to bother you but the person offering would like me to ask you if you accept or decline? ^^”

Can I get back to you by the end of today? I'm leaving amino by tonight and I wanted to see if I can get a swap for them!

If not, I'll def trade :)

Alrighty! That’s totally fine, sorry for bothering you haha ^^”

Hey, is your friend Melody/Bunx? If they are they're blacklisted by the designer and I cannot trade/sell this character to them.

3 Replies