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Ohhh I love her design! The mask and veil immediately made me think of religious/ritual/sacrificial themes, which led me to my four cross-universe immortal guardians which take human sacrifices (: I don't have them on here unfortunately, but I've posted some writing about them before - (mostly Sir Owl, the oldest and most powerful of them - please ignore the ancient sketches lol)

She is a girl offered as a sacrifice to Dame Raven, who likes to play tricks. Perhaps it was one of her tricks that this one came back, equipped with little magical powers of her own. She never takes her mask off any more. From the outside, she appears as an aloof, mysterious creature fundamentally changed from the girl that was sent away, but in truth, she is just trying to figure out her way and place in a world she now sees with wholly different eyes, being able to see what regular mortals can't. Cultural constraints that once seemed so important now barely matter to her any more, and she is testing out her boundaries and what all that means to her morality. Can probably speak to the spirits of the dead.

Oh that sounds interesting! I accept ^^

I sent the character :3

Ahhh thank you!