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here i've plucked the ribbon carousel code out of one of my templates, you should be able to put it wherever you like :>

just replace RIBBON-DESCRIPTION with the ribbon's meaning (it'll make a tooltip when the ribbon is hovered over so folks can easily see what the ribbon means) and IMG-URL with the ribbon's image link!

do you think you could make one with multiple ribbons in a box?

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apologies for the delay! what might be the issue is the "carousel-item active" part, 'active' is the one currently being shown, which there should only be one of, all the other carousel images should only be "carousel-item". but if you copy and pasted the first one, it probably has active in it still.

and if this is not the case, uhh. show me and i'll try and see whats wrong? :'D

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Hello! I am not very experienced in html yet, I was wondering if there's a way you may know of to add multiple ribbons with descriptions per carousel item? or slide (two ribbon/images or more directly beside each other not sliding?) im keeping it under an existing profile template, not in one and there's just a lot of empty space like the one above here^^, id like to make use of the empty space for more ribbons!

Went and did a quick image edit to visually show close to what im thinking:

hey, do you have any idea why the box starts glitching out when i add more than 9 ribbons? I hit ten and it stopped working

hm.. it should work without limit. i've made a 12-ribbon carousel here and it still works for me. are you certain there is only one ribbon that says "carousel-item active"? if there's more than one, it will break.

if it's still inexplicably not working, showing me the code will help me troubleshoot!

(i assume you mean the carousel broke? unless an unrelated box broke and i've wildly misinterpreted the issue xD;)

it WAS breaking the carousel, but now it works ? ? ? it previously was breaking it completely multiple times even when i attempted to fix it/reloaded it, so unsure what was happening there. the 10th one would show up underneath the others for some reason

well, as long as it works i guess! xD;

truly the best part of coding is when something just suddenly starts or stops working for no particular reason.