Comments on Mephius All Comments

oooo i like him. i don't normally like faces/eyes being covered, but if the mask shows the eyes it can be good~

Heheh, I love masks in all forms!

oh yeah?? i jus feel like it's SUCH a darned shame to not be able to see a boyo's beautiful eyes gah so i don't like eyes covered at all. smh mouth masks are love tho~

Even the covered ones are great though because then it's even more fun when they take them off! -thumbs up-

yeah ive seen those, but most don't have art when they uncover them so.... u-u unfortunate. so, can i know more about this dude??

Sure! His storyline is currently somewhat dormant because the RP world I was developing him for ended up folding, but he's a young automaton/golem crafted by an old woman. He's one of several golems who lives with her, but he's taken it upon himself to protect the old woman and the others at all costs. He's very serious, and not very fun to be around xD There are some comments from other chars on his link page, if you're curious!