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by PlagueWing as the character Navy


Unfortunately, the RANDOM.ORG gods said not today for the roast, because Navy is one of the only  characters who is absolutely chill with Deathborb's existence.

“Yo, so you’re evil?” Navy said, with a chuckle, “Not the  weirdest thing I have ever seen. That being said, I’ve never seen a  griffin in person before. I think they’re… Somewhat rare where I live.  Rarer than most creatures, at least. I think you’re pretty chill. Hmm…  Have you ever killed somebody?” After a few moments of silence, Navy  responded with this, no matter what the answer was: “Hahah, nice. I  can’t arrest a griffin, I think, so you keep being your chill self. Yo,  you wanna play some Playstation? I got some games I think you’d like.”
