Comments on topiekaa All Comments

This should be the last comment on this profile.

The harassment must and will stop. We are trying to work to rectify this situation and the harassment the backhanded comments they do nothing to help the cause of the artists affected.

If you want to help, donate, try to get in contact with people affected and show them to the discord and have them follow the steps.

To Topiekaa, contact me at Luna Nyx#4466 on discord or through Facebook or even here. We can work to correct and rectify this together. This is hard. This is not fun. And a lot of people will no longer want to be friends with you but you have to make this right not just for other people or but for you. If you continue to do nothing and hide this guilt will haunt you and that is not something we want. We want you to own up to it, help to fix it, and grow. You are young and have a lot to learn. Consider reaching out.